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Version: 1.36

Deeploy CLI

The Deeploy Python Client includes a CLI. This CLI is currently inteded to help Deeploy users to create their own Custom Docker images that can be deployed on as a model, explainer and/or transformer on Deeploy. The focus of these templates is currently on the KServe deployment backend. On our roadmap is included to support Azure Machine Learning and Sagemaker as in the near future.

Using the CLI

You can test if the Deeploy package is configured correctly (and check your current Python Client) by running:

deeploy --version

This should return (where x.x.x corresponds to your version):

deeploy, version x.x.x

You can use the Deeploy CLI with the deeploy command. To view to list of commands that is available in your current Deeeploy Python Client version run:

deeploy --help

Currently the main functionality is around generating templates for Custom Docker deployments:

deeploy generate-template --help

Once you have generated a template project, follow the instructions in the file to get started.


The most likely reasons you experience problems with the CLI are:

  • You have a Deeploy Python Client Version < 1.2.1 installed
  • Your PATH to you Python environment is not configured correctly