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Version: 1.44


Release notes

✨ Major new features and improvements

  • Azure Machine Learning integration
    With Deeploy's Azure Machine Learning integration it is possible to deploy models to your own Azure environment while still leveraging all of Deeploy's features. Models and explainers will run in Azure Machine Learning's online endpoints where Deeploy takes care of the creation and connection to the models. See here for more information

  • Performance improvements
    We drastically improved performance for both navigating in the UI and interacting with our API (e.g. making predictions or evaluations)

  • Keychain UI
    We updated the docker and blob credentials overview page in the keychain. Both name and id can now be viewed.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • We fixed a few bugs for the advanced resource configuration, where previously empty values were shown or the inability to change the values in the slider.
  • Creating a new deployment no longer produces multiple notifications.