Prediction logs
This section explains how to retrieve predictions logs of a Deployment. Retrieving prediction logs allows you to evaluate or submit actuals over them. It's also possible to use the retrieval functionality to export predictions.
Request logs
To see which requests have been made, you can retrieve the request logs. One request can contain multiple predictions.
There are various way to query the request logs, all shown in the Get Request Log options
from deeploy import GetRequestLogsOptions
get_options: GetRequestLogsOptions = {
"start": 1706223600000,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10,
"sort": "createdAt:desc",
"status": "eq:success",
"commit": "eq:178ec929e6def27b74287175ae4d56a8172b4ca8",
"status_code": "in:200,201",
request_logs = client.get_request_logs(deployment_id, get_options)
Prediction logs
There are various way to query the prediction logs, all shown in the Get Prediction Log options
from deeploy import GetPredictionLogsOptions
get_options: GetPredictionLogsOptions = {
"start": 1706223600000,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10,
"sort": "createdAt:desc",
"custom_id": "like:example",
"prediction_class": "in:firstClass,secondClass",
"actual": "eq:available",
"evaluation": "in:agreed,disagreed",
"status": "eq:success",
"endpoint_type": "in:predict,explain",
prediction_logs = client.get_prediction_logs(deployment_id, get_options)
To retrieve a single prediction log, you can use the id
from deeploy import GetPredictionLogsOptions
get_options: GetPredictionLogsOptions = {
"id": "eq:b6d8c781-2526-4e03-9b43-4c1a62d064db",
prediction_logs = client.get_prediction_logs(deployment_id, get_options)