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Version: 1.44

Deployment versions

View both previously deployed, the current and pending Deployments versions on the Versions page. Rename versions to find them more easily.

Restoring a version

You can restore versions that are listed as 'previously deployed' in the versions overview. Navigate to a specific version to see a detailed view of the configuration that was used for that version. Restoring a version will update your deployment with that version's configuration. Any compliance documentation, Deployment details (e.g. title, description, owner), events and logs will stay in the current state.


A version's configuration can have references to resources that do not exist anymore. For commits, branches or repository references that have been deleted the restore functionality is disabled. Restoring versions with references to environment variables that have been deleted is possible, however will result in a warning state of your deployment. Make sure to check if your deployment still behaves correctly.

Version approval

Submit a version for approval when creating or updating a Deployment. This will create a pending version in the Deployment versions overview. You can use pending versions to validate your changes before putting them live. After a pending version has been approved, deploy the pending version in order to update your Deployment.


Requesting approval when creating a Deployment will put the Deployment in a pending state. Some of the Deployment features will be unavailable until the version has been approved and deployed.

Changing approvers

Navigate to a specific version after submitting the version for approval if you want to add or remove approvers. You can only remove an approver if the approver has not yet submitted approval. If you remove the last approver of a version, the version no longer requires approval to be deployed.

Submitting approval

As an approver, navigate to a specific version to approve or request changes on a version. You can change your approval as long as the version is pending. After the version has been deployed, the approval can no longer be changed.


A versions approval status is:

  • Pending if one or more approvers have not submitted their approval yet
  • Approved if all approvers approved the version
  • Changes requested if one or more approvers have requested changes